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Project Dashboard ("My Projects")
Peter Hunner avatar
Written by Peter Hunner
Updated over a week ago

Project Dashboard

The Project Dashboard is the first screen you see when you sign up or sign in to It displays all the projects you’ve created or been invited to. You can access it anytime by clicking the Home icon or the verybusy wordmark in the top-left corner of the platform.

⚠️ Note: If you've been invited to a project via a link, you'll be directed to that specific project upon logging in.

The Project Dashboard has two tabs:

  • Active: Where all projects start.

  • Hidden: For projects you want to remove from view without deleting them.

For information on adding collaborators to projects, check out this article.

For information on adding images and documents to projects, check out this article.

Moving a Project to the Hidden Tab

If you don’t want to delete a project (which would delete it for your collaborators), you can move it to the Hidden tab.

To hide a project:

  1. Hover over the project thumbnail you want to hide.

  2. Click the circle that appears at the top left of the thumbnail.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of your screen and click the Hide icon.

This will move the project to the Hidden tab but will not affect your collaborators' access.

For more information on hiding and deleting projects, as well as transferring ownership of projects, check out this article.

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