Resolving a comment
To mark a comment as resolved, hover over the comment and click the circle that appears at the top-right corner. To view resolved markups, be sure to set the dropdown menu at the top of the comments panel to "All Comments." Any comments that are not resolved will carry over to the next round.
Replying to a comment
To reply to a comment, hover over the comment and click reply to reply in-line
Edit a comment
To edit a comment hover and click the three dots that appear.
⚠️ Note: Comments and markups from previous rounds cannot be edited or deleted.
⚠️ Note: markups that have already been saved to the image cannot be edited. To make a change, delete the comment and start fresh.
Delete a comment
To delete a comment, hover and click the three dots that appear. Note: you can only delete comments you have made; you cannot delete others’ comments. Deleting a comment will delete the corresponding markup.
💡Tip: For information on viewing resolved comments and markups, check out this article.