Peter Hunner avatar
Written by Peter Hunner
Updated over a week ago

Notifications keep you up-to-date on activity across all of your projects.

Keep an eye out for the red dot on the bell found in the upper right corner of the application window, near your Account avatar. The dot indicates you have new activity.

Clicking on the bell will reveal a panel on the left side of your screen where you can browse all of your projects, their activity, and filter according to type of activity.

You’ll be alerted of the following actions in-app and via email when there’s any new activity.

  • A new markup is added to an image

  • Someone comments

  • You are mentioned

  • Someone replies to a comment

  • Images are uploaded to projects

  • An image is approved

  • Images are flagged as rush

  • A project is deleted

  • A task is added

  • You’re invited to a project

  • You’re granted ownership of a project

Manage notification settings in your Account Settings. You can change the type and frequency of notifications for both email and in-app notifications. You can even have them delivered to your inbox as soon as any action is taken.

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