Application Bar
Peter Hunner avatar
Written by Peter Hunner
Updated over a week ago

The application bar is the dark bar along the top of your screen. It contains information pertaining your profile / account, notifications, and asset uploads. It also contains a file tree to track you location in the platform. It will always be visible no matter where you are in VeryBusy.

Breadcrumb Navigation

Quickly navigate and see where you are within a project via the breadcrumb navigation. Click on the breadcrumb links to jump back through folders and to quickly get to your Project Dashboard.


Notifications help you stay on top of activity within your projects. A red dot means there is new activity since you last opened your notifications. Clicking on the bell will reveal your notifications panel. In the panel, you can browse notifications by project, filter notifications within a project, and pin important notifications to the top of the panel.

Upload Monitor

The upload monitor shows the status of your active uploads. You can cancel

pending uploads here.

User Settings

Your Profile

Your user profile contains your personal information and notification preferences. Access your profile by clicking on your initials (or avatar if you’ve set one) in the dark Application Bar across the top of your screen.

Visit your profile to:

  • Add or change an avatar

  • Change your name or email address (note: use your full name so collaborators can easily recognize you in any project)

  • Change your email address

  • Change your password

  • Change how often you receive notifications about project activity (i.e., one a day, once an hour, anytime any action is taken)

Account Settings

Your Account Settings is where you can manage projects, users, and billing for any accounts you own or have permission to view. For more information, see Account Roles or Managing Your Account.

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